Hi All.
This weekend I decided to write about my experience Photographing Wrestling Shows. Been a while working at one, since everything is closed due to world events so I thought I share my experience as a Photographer at ringside.
I started ringside photography in 2017. The first event was in my local are for LDN Wrestling. Now I look back at the show it had a now current AEW Star Maxwell Jacob Friedman and a Ring of Honour star Flip Gordan.
Within a year I started to work for Wrestleforce at there Dagenham show which is also near by. A year ago I Photographed AEW’s Sadie Gibbs at Wrestleforce UK.

At the start I think in 2018 I began working for Dropkixx Wrestling (DKW Academy)
I will not mention all Companies but you can find them all under the Wrestling Tab in the menu above. I will one day update my Gallery to show all the events.
I will have a second part about my experience soon, and history of Photography Creativity which I started in 2008.
Remember you can download my hobby images for the price of £5 in the shop tab or by clicking here.